Nov 2, 2010

Getting Started.... A big day!

I am known for my wealth of ideas....some practical, some unrealistic, and some that actually come to fruition and really work. Here's to hoping this meal planning blog is one of the latter! I think I can do this....I have a goal of coming up with 60 meal plans, each under 2000 calories before I publicize this blog. I have been planning my own meals for several years with some consistency, but if your house is anything like mine....we like our junk food and over time we lean toward the junk and away from the health and we hate counting calories and dieting so we gain a couple of pounds and then scramble to figure out just how that happened....could have been the bowl of ice cream we had every evening after the kids when to bed all summer....but naahhh.

So here is the plan....
Daily meal plans---BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER and SNACKS----2000 calories or less. (The goal is 1600 calories with some built in motivators for getting off my butt and exercising to earn the extra 400 calories each day)

If this works here are the built in benefits:
1. No more 4:00 scrambles trying to figure out what's for dinner.
2. Natural weight loss...since at my ideal weight I can eat 1600 calories per day and still maintain that weight.
3. Plans for meal prep that make breakfast and lunches no brainers and mostly homemade to boot!
4. A routine for healthy eating that anyone can follow. Either cooking all the meals in the blog or substituting their own favorites in at any point.


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