Mar 8, 2011

Kid Approved: Crispy Chicken Nuggets

Remember how excited you got about chicken nuggets when you were a kid?  When the school cafeteria served these for lunch word spread around school faster than word that a fight was about to break out!  We would race to the line and wait eagerly as the cafeteria ladies counted out our portion.  Who knows what those things were made of, but we somehow know we had arrived at the good life!

Here's an at home version for Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Nuggets that won't leave you wondering what you just ate.  They are pretty simple too.  I whipped these up Saturday night after being away from home all day.  I was dog tired and not looking forward to coming up with a meal my kids would eat, but this standby meal came in handy for us.  Paired with some healthy sides, we had dinner in no time and resisted the urge to order a pizza.

Recipe for Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Nuggets:

1 lb Chicken Breast
1/3 tsp Kosher Salt
1/3 tsp Pepper, Black
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1/2 cup Wheat Germ
1/2 cup Panko Crispy Bread Crumbs
1/4 cup Lowfat Buttermilk

Thaw chicken completely. Cut into nugget size pieces. Try to cut chicken in similar sized pieces so they cook at the same rate. I cut my chicken in half lengthwise before cutting it into nuggets, so it makes more nuggets.

Mix salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder together with bread crumbs and wheat germ and mix thoroughly.

Pour buttermilk in a separate bowl. Dip chicken in buttermilk and then dredge in crumb mixture pressing crumbs into chicken slightly.

Place a wire cooling rack on a cookie sheet and spray lightly with non-stick cooking spray. arrange nuggets on cooling rack so they do not touch.

Bake at 375 for 20-23 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked. Be careful not to overcook chicken because it will start to dry out. You can turn the nuggets over halfway through cooking for even crispier nuggets

We served the nuggets with some leftover Colorful Couscous and a salad.  You could easily whip up the couscous from scratch as it only takes about 15 minutes to make--start to finish!  My kids like this couscous recipe because of the "fruit candy" otherwise known as dried cranberries.  They think dried fruit are fruit snacks....sssshhhhh don't tell them!

Here is a 1600 calorie meal plan that will bring you back to childhood without sacrificing any adult sophistication---enjoy!

Breakfast:- 316 Calories
Flavored Greek Yogurt Sprinkled with Granola
Snack- 118 Calories
String Cheese

Lunch- 525 Calories
on 12 Grain Bread
Carrot sticks

Snack- 110 Calories

Dinner- 488 Calories
Total Calories = 1557

If you are looking for more "Kid Approved Meals," check out this ebook full of 13 Weeks of Breakfast & Lunch Menus that are Kid-Tested & Mom Approved, with Categorized Grocery Shopping Lists Accompanying Each Menu. Perfect for Homeschool Families, Stay At Home Moms, and Daycare Providers.  If you have small children like me and are stuck in the peanut butter and jelly rut, this could be the perfect resource--especially with summer on its way!  Here's the link once again: Kid Approved Meals.


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